US Department of Justice Protecting Religious Freedom
US State Department Office of International Religious Freedom
US State Department Annual Reports on International Religious Freedom
US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
US Helsinki Commission
White House Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships
African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ACLARS)
ANAJURE (Associação Nacional de Juristas Evangélicos / Brasil)
American Academy of Religion (AAR)
Religious Liberty Archive (US)
Cardus (Canada)
Center for Comparative Constitutional Law and Religion…
Academy of European Law (ERA)
Applied Study of Law and Religion (Oxford Brookes University)
The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA)
Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC)
Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs (Georgetown University)
Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life (Boston College)
Cardus Law (Canada)
The Center for Civil & Human Rights (University of Notre Dame)
Center for Islam and Religious Freedom (CIRF) in Washington, DC
Center for Law and Religion at St. John’s University School of Law (CLR Forum)
Center for Studies of New Religions…
All Party Parliamentary Group for InternationalFreedom of Religion or Belief (UK)
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)
American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)
Arigatou International (interreligious efforts and children)
Association International pour la Défense de la Liberté Religieuse
Associazione Internazionale per la Difesa della Libertà Religiosa (AIDLR)
Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC)
Becket Law (formerly Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)
Center for Islam and Religious Freedom (CIRF) in Washington, DC
Center for Studies of New Religions (CESNUR)…
African Human Rights Law Journal (AHRLJ)
Annuaire Droit et Religions (PUAM)
Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento | Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient
Annali di Studi Religiosi (FBK)
Anuario de Derecho eclesiástico del Estado
Archive of public law (AöR)
The British Yearbook of International Law (Cambridge)
(Cambridge) Journal of Law and Religion (JLR)
Church Law Review (Prague)
Comparative Islamic Studies
Derecho y Religión
Ecclesiastical Law Journal (ELJ, Cambridge)
The Encyclopedia of Law and Religion (Brill)
European Constitutional Law Journal (EuConst, Cambridge)
European Journal for Church and State Research
European Journal for Philosophy of Religion
The European Journal of International Law (Oxford)
The ICLARS Series on Law and Religion (Routledge)
International Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ, Cambridge)
International Encyclopaedia for Religion (Wolters Kluwer)
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion (Springer)
International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF, International Institute for Religious Freedom)
International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church (Routledge)
International Journal of Constitutional Law (I * CON, Oxford)
International Journal of Latin American Religions (Springer)
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family (Oxford)
Islamic Law and Society (Brill )
Islamic Studies (Islamic Research Institute)
Ius Ecclesiae Journal of Church and State (Baylor)
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (Wiley Online Library)
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
Journal of Church & State (Oxford)
Journal of Law and Religion (Hamline)
Journal of Law and Religion (Rutgers)
Journal of Law, Religion and State (Brill)
Journal of Religion in Europe (JRE)
Law & Justice: The Christian Law Review (The Edmund Plowden Trust)
Law & Religion eJournal (SSRN; Pepperdine University School of Law)
Oxford Journal of Law and Religion
Religion & Human Rights (Brill)
Religion and Human Rights (Springer)
The Review of Faith & International Affairs
Revue du droit des religions
Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion (RJLR)
UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law
Adventist News Network (ANN)
Alfa y Omega (Spain)
Alltop Muslim News
American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)
Anglican Communion News Service (ACN)
Arc of the Universe
Associated Baptist Press (ABP)
Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) Press Room
Bahá’í World News Service
Baptist Joint Committee (BJC)
Baptist Press
Belief Net
Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights in China…
Begun in 2005, is dedicated to the discussion and exchange of ideas regarding cases brought before the European Court of Human Rights, particularly cases involving religion and freedom of belief issues. In addition to providing a resource to scholars and other leaders, this site allows for a continuing dialogue on these topics. The International Center for Law and Religion Studies maintains the website, including its comprehensive table of cases tracking the relevant juriprudence of the Court.