Coming less than a month after the events of September 11, 2001, the Eighth Annual Symposium naturally became a forum for discussions of initial reactions and thoughts on these events. The keynote addresses, delivered by Professor Jargen S. Nielsen, Director, Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom and Senator Gordon H. Smith, United States Senator, both addressed questions of terrorism, the complex nature of Islam, and religious freedom. Discussions were held with the backdrop of the 1981 Declaration, addressing the importance of its provisions on religious tolerance and non-discrimination in the twenty-first century. Fifty-two participants represented more than 30 nations, including Pakistan, Indonesia, Belgium, Russia, Mexico, Senegal, and many others. After the conference, some participants further developed their papers, which were then published in the annual law and religion symposium issue of the BYU Law Review.