Professor Scott W. Cameron, Associate Dean of External Relations, J. Reuben Clark Law School, was named chairman of the Center’s Development Committee on July 8, 2008, succeeding Center Managing Director Professor Robert T. Smith, Twho has served as chair of the Development Committee since its organization in 2006 as a successor to the cornerstone campaign that successfully raised funds for the Center’s endowment. The Committee’s members include Dean James R. Rasband, Professor Cole W. Durham, Jr., and some members of the international advisory council, including William F. Atkin, Wilford Andersen, Doug Bush, David Christensen, Mark Cressler, Ralph W. Hardy, Jr., Duane Madsen, Todd Nelson, James E. Pollock, Kelly Reeves, Bryce Wade, and Deborah Wright. Dean Cameron has served as a member of the Development Committee since its inception, and has participated in important aspects of the Committee’s work. The Center is extremely grateful for Dean Cameron’s leadership in its fundraising efforts.