On 14 May 2013, the annual conference of the Law and Religion Scholars Network (LARSN) was held at Cardiff Law School, University of Cardiff, Wales. The conference was attended by law and religion scholars from throughout the United Kingdom and numerous foreign countries, including the US, Brazil, and Singapore. Professor Norman Doe, Director of Cardiff Law School’s Centre for Law and Religion, and Dr. Javier Oliva of the University of Manchester oversaw the proceedings, with assistance from John Duddington (Editor, Law and Justice), Helen Hall (Cardiff University) and Sharron Alldred (Cardiff Law School, post-grad administrator).
Writes David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK: “The papers ranged over an extremely wide field: from Adina Radicanu of Karl Franzens University on the debate in the Orthodox Christian community about bar-codes . . . to Bob Morris of UCL on the Succession to the Crown Act and David Kirkham of Brigham Young U on natural rights. Frank [Cranmer] read a paper on European and UK developments on adoption by same-sex couples. …”
LARSN is a scholarly association designed to bring together academics interested in all areas of law and religion: national and international law affecting religion and religious law. The Network, an initiative of the Centre for Law and Religion allows those interested in the field to share experiences and ideas, to build links in relation to both research and teaching and to reflect upon how law and religion can be promoted as a mainstream legal discipline.