Fortune Sibanda

Professor of Religious Studies, University of Eswatini
Fortune Sibanda is a professor of religious studies in the Department of Philosophy and Theology at the University of Eswatini. He is also an academic associate and research fellow at the Research Institute for Theology and Religious Studies of the College of Human Sciences at the University of South Africa. Professor Sibanda received his doctorate of philosophy in arts (religious studies) from the University of Zimbabwe. His research interests include new religious movements, law and religion, religious freedom, human rights and human dignity, religion, and the environment. He is a member of several academic associations, including the African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ACLARS), American Academy of Religion, International Center for Law and Religion Studies, African Association for the Study of Religion, Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa, and African Theological Institutions in Southern and Central Africa. Professor Sibanda is a regular speaker at ACLARS conferences. At ACLARS, he a member of the board of directors, and the regional representative for the Southern Africa region in the membership committee. He also served as the local organizing committee chairperson for the 2024 ACLARS conference held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.