14 October 2011. NSS publish European Court of Human Rights intervention. (Keith Porteus Wood, National Secular Society)
11 October 2011. Wrong to penalise Christian registrar, consultation finds. (The Christian Institute)
28 September 2011. Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) submits intervention to ECtHR on religious discrimination in the workplace. (wired-gov.net) [EHRC Consultation Response Summary] [EHRC Submission to ECtHR]
20 September 2011. Observations by Dr. Grégor Puppinck, Director, European Centre for Law and Justice. [Français] [English]
19 September 2011. Futher accommodation for religious conscience ‘unacceptable’ says Porteous Wood. (Solicitor’s Journal)
11 September 2011. General point in relation to the EHRC intervention in ECtHR human rights cases. (Niel Addison, Religion Law Blog)
22 August 2011. Equality and Human Rights Commission reverses position on religious cases intervention. (Adam Wagner, U.K. Human Rights Blog)
18 August 2011. Equality watchdog drops plan to protect religious rights. (Tim Ross, The Telegraph)
16 August 2011. EHRC launches consultation on submissions in religious discrimination case. (Laura Chamberlain, Personnel Today)
12 August 2011. European court allows ADF to intervene in multiple UK religious discrimination cases; former Slovakian prime minister will join ADF in defending rights of conscience. (Press Release, Alliance Defense Fund)
6 August 2011. Labour leadership contender crticises Christian registrar. (The Christian Institute)
5 August 2011. National Secular Society given leave to intervene at ECHR in religious discrimination cases. (NSS Press Release)
5 August 2011. MP support for Christians sparks anger in gay-rights groups. (Dartmouth Chronicle)
14 July 2011. EHRC seeks permission to intervene in the European Court of Human Rights and proposes “reasonable accommodation” for religion in the workplace. (Employers Forum on Belief)
14 July 2011. EHRC attempts at clarity muddy the religious waters, spark a huge row. (Cath Everett, HR Zone)