Briefing in Supreme Court legislative prayer/endorsement case: August 6, 2013
News today included news on a number of amicus briefs filed in the Supreme Court Case Town ofGreecev. Galloway. Due to the Court’s briefing schedule, almost all of these briefs support allowing legislative prayer in the Town of Greece. Other briefs opposing the town’s practice of prayer will be filed later. A complete list of the briefs will be posted here For convience, we link directly to the briefs filed which were notable:
The United States argued that prayers with Christian references are consistent with Marsh v. Chambers.
85 members of the House of Representatives advocated the Court replace the Lemon/endorsement test with a coercion test.
36 U.S. Senators, led by Sen. Marco Rubio, supported allowing prayers on the grounds of the court’s ruling in Marsh v. Chambers.
The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty argued that the historical practice of legislative prayer and historical meaning of the Establishment Clause necessitate reversal.