Alberto Herrera Rodriguez
Subsecretario, Ministério de la Presidencia, Relaciones con las Cortes y Memoria Democratica, Gobrierno de España
Alberto Herrera Rodriguez is the undersecretary of the Ministry for Presidency, Justice, and Parliamentary Relations for the government of Spain. He holds degrees in law and business administration from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), and he earned a master’s degree in society administration intervention from UNED. He has participated in training programs at IESE-Universidad de Navarra, the London School of Economics and Political Science, Middlesex University (London), and the High Centre for Defense Studies. Mr. Herrera Rodriguez has done doctoral program research at UAM on law and public policy, with a thesis on the constitutional dimension of access to public information. His professional roles include Spanish public administration official (2010); deputy general directorate of the general state administration in the territory; and general directorate of civil protection and emergencies. Mr. Herrera Rodriguez has been the undersecretary in various ministries: Health; Territorial Policy and Public Function; and Presidency, Parliamentary Relations and Democratic Memory.