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Articles of interest – September 24, 2012
Howard Friedman,
Religion Clause
From SSRN:
Steven Douglas Smith,
Religious Symbols and Secular Government
, (San Diego Legal Studies Paper No. 12-096, Sept. 17, 2012).
Niclas Berggren and Christian Bjornskov,
Does Religiosity Promote Property Rights and the Rule of Law?
, (ICER Working Paper No. 2/2012, April 2012).
Allan Vestal,
To Soften Their Obdurate Hearts: The Southern Baptist Convention and Marriage Equality
, (Tulane Journal of Law and Sexuality, Vol. 21, p. 49, 2012).
Mary Szto,
Contract in My Soup: Chinese Contract Formation and Ritual Eating and Drunkenness
,(September 19, 2012).
Mauro Gatti,
Autonomy of Religious Organisations in the European Convention of Human Rights and European Union Law
, (Paper presented at the Conference ‘Fundamental Rights in Europe and China: Between Identities and Universalism’, Bologna, 28-29 May 2012).
David H. Michels,
Seeking God’s Will: The Experience of Information Seeking by Leaders of a Church in Transition
, ((2012) 36 (1-2) Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 16-27).
Mark William Osler,
A Biblical Value in the Constitution: Mercy, Clemency, Faith, and History
, (University of St. Thomas Law Journal, 2013, Forthcoming).
Jay Michaelson,
Hating the Law for Christian Reasons: The Religious Roots of American Antinomianism
, (September 22, 2012).
John Hagan and Todd Haugh,
Ethnic Cleansing as Euphemism, Metaphor, Criminology, and Law
, (Forging a Convention for Crimes Against Humanity, ed. Leila Nadya Sadat, Cambridge University Press, 2011).
From SSRN– Islamic Law:
Cyra Akila Choudhury,
Shari’ah as National Security Threat?
, (Akron Law Review, Vol. 46, 2012).
Ahmad A. Alkhameed,
International Arbitration and Shari’a Law: Context, Scope, and Intersections
, (28 Journal of International Arbitration, Issue 3, pp. 255–264, 2011).
Brian J. Baker,
Islamic Law and Refugees: Concept and Application
, (September 17, 2012).
Mitali Srivastava,
Family Law and Gender Justice: A Statutory Analysis & Case Study
, (April 10, 2012).
Mohamed A. Arafa,
Corruption and Bribery in Islamic Law: Are Islamic Ideals Being Met in Practice?
, (18 Golden Gate Ann. Surv. Int’l & Comp. L. 171, Spring 2012).
Anant Gupta,
Shah Bano Case and Related Issues
, (September 21, 2011).
Lama Abu-Odeh,
Of Wife and the Domestic Servant in the Arab World
, (Georgetown Public Law Research Paper No. 12-135, 2012).
Ross Astoria,
Why Do Citizens Litigate Over the Posting of the Ten Commandments? A Case Study from Tennessee
[Includes photographs], 30 Quinnipiac Law Review. 691-725 (2012).
Linda C. McClain,
Constitutional and Religious Redemption: Assessing Jack Balkin’s Call for a “Constitutional Project,”
92 Boston University Law Review 1187-1211 (2012).