The first step to take when you want to submit documents to one of the websites of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies is to create you own username and password. You may do this from the Home page of any of the Center’s websites:
1. Click Create User Account in the upper right hand corner of the Home page screen.
2. Fill in the fields in the New User Account Creation screen.
3. Username and password are case sensitive. Please remember these accurately.
4. Note that Profession and Interest fields are optional, though your filling them out will help us better understand and meet the needs of our users.
5. After filling in all required fields, click Create Account by clicking on a View/Edit Profile button in your User screen.
6. You are now ready to Suggest News Items from the News page of any of our three websites or to Submit a Document (European Court or Religlaw sites only) relevant to issues of law and religion or belief for inclusion in our searchable database.
7. NOTE: You do not need a user account to access case information on the European Court site or to search the Religlaw database. And of course, anyone can Give Feedback at any time without signing in.
8. Special instruction for typing non-English characters can be found at the Keyboard Helps link in the Online User Guides.
We hope you find the Center’s websites useful. We look forward to serving you, and to receiving your comments and suggestions.