Center-Related Conferences and Events 2018

January 3-6, 2018.  American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Meetings, San Diego, California

January 30, 2018.  The Summit on Religious Freedom: An Interfaith Invitation, Central Florida Commission on Religious Freedom, Orlando, Florida 

February 1-3, 2018.  South East Asia Regional Conference. “Religio-Legal Parameters for Social Harmony,” SACRALS Conference, New Delhi, India

February 14-16, 2018.  Pacific Regional Conference. Conference on Constitutional Space, Adelaide and Sydney, Australia 

February 15, 2018.  J. Reuben Clark Law Society (JRCLS) Annual Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

February 16-17, 2017.  J. Reuben Clark Law Society (JRCLS) Annual Conference, University of Utah, Salt Lake Tabernacle, and Conference Center, Salt Lake City, Utah

March 5-8, 2018.  European Academy of Religion, Bologna, Italy

March 6-7, 2018.  Student Moot Court Competition, European Academy of Religion, Bologna, Italy

March 6-7, 2018. Religious Freedom, the Secular State, and Conscientious Objection, Guatemala.

March 7-8, 2018.  Asia Regional Conference. Religion and Business Awards, Special Olympics, Seoul, Korea 

March 29-30, 2017.  IAC Annual Spring Meeting, Grand America Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah

April 4-13, 2018.  Central European University, Professor Durham teaching

April 12-13, 2018.  War and Peace and Religion: Religious Freedom during the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict, Kharkiv, Ukraine

April 16-20, 27, 2018.  Central European University, Professor Scharffs Teaching

April 22-26, 2018.  Islamic World Regional Conference. The First Annual Middle East Conference on the Rule of Law and Religion, Amman, Jordan

May 3-4, 2018. Conference on Religion in the European Court of Human Rights, Athens, Greece 

May 6-18, 2018.  Prague-Budapest International Advisory Countil (IAC) Study Tour 

May 20-22, 2018.  Africa Regional Conference. “Law, Religion, and Human Flourishing,” ACLARS Conference, Abuja, Nigeria

May 24-25, 2018.  Europe Regional Conference. 25th Anniversary of Kokkinakis, Launch of book on Religion Cases in the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France

May 28-30, 2018.  Religious Violence and Extremism, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel

May 28-31, 2018.  Central European University, Professor Durham teaching

June 1-2, 2018.  Conference on Freedom of Religion, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

June, 2018  Sharia and Human Rights, Indonesia 

June 20-21, 2018.  Religious Freedom Annual Review, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

July 22-August 10, 2018.  Oxford Training Course, Christ Church, Oxford

August 2018.  Europe Regional Conference. Oxford, England

August 20-24, 2018.  Education Week, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

September 2018.  18th Annual Colloquium, Latin American Consortium for Religious Liberty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

September 12-14, 2018.  Latin America Regional Conference. The Fifth ICLARS Conference – Living Together in Diversity: Strategies from Law and Religion, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

September 17-22, 2018.  Regional Certificate Training Program, Vietnam

September 5-7, 2018.  Latin America Regional Conference. G20 Interfaith Forum, “Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development:

Religious Contributions for a Dignified Future”, Buenos Aires, Argentina

October 7-9, 2018,  25th Anniversary Annual International Law and Religion Symposium, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

October 11-12, 2018, DC Component of 25th Annual International Law and Religion Symposium, Washington, D.C.

October 25, 2018.  Interfaith Conference on Religious Freedom, Dallas, Texas

November 26-28, 2018. “State Responses to Security Threats and Religious Diversity: What Future for Europe in the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium?”, Prague, Czech Republic. 

November, 2018.  Conference on Politics of Freedom of Religion in Asia, Singapore

Center-Related Conferences and Events 2017

3-7  January 2017. American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Conference, San Francisco, California 

10-23 January 2017. South Asia Tour, India

13-15 January 2017.  Asia Regional Conference, Hyderabad, India.  International Programme on “Peace, Stability And Sustainable Development:  The Role of Religion”

21 January 2017.  Dinner with Asian Religion Scholars, Delhi, India

31 January 2017.   Summit on Religious Freedom: “How Supreme Court Decisions Impact the Freedom of Your Faith,” First Baptist Church, Orlando, Florida

9-10 February 2017. Seminar on Migration and Religion, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

13 February 2017. Roundtable on Religious Freedom, San Salvador, El Salvador.

20 February-1 March 2017. Certificate Training Program, Myanmar.

6-10 March 2017.  Certificate Training Program, Vietnam

9-10 March 2017. Nootbaar Conference: “Religious Critiques of the Law”, Pepperdine University School of Law, Malibu, California (Elizabeth Clark)

30-31 March 2017. Annual Spring Meeting, International Advisory Council, Salt Lake City, Utah.

3 April 2017. International Society Conference, Brigham Young University

6 April 2017. Constitutional Symposium on Religious Liberty, Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah. Cole Durham participating. 

5-14 April 2017. Teaching at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (Durham)

13 April 2017.Are Catholic Majorities more Hospitable to Religious Minorities than Others?“, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy (Brett Scharffs)

18-24 April 2017. Teaching at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary  (Scharffs)

24-28 April 2017. Judicial Conference, Academic Conference, and Religious Freedom Training Program for students and faculty from across West Africa

5 May 2017.  “Financing of Churches and Religious Organizations: A Comparative Perspective“, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia (Gary Doxey)

8-9 May 2017. ICLRS Research Fellow Training, Brigham Young University

14-16 May 2017. Fifth Annual Conference of the African Consortium for Law and Religion, Rabat, Morocco

27-28 May 2017. Conference on 25 Years of Religion Cases in the European Court of Human Rights , Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

2-4 June 2017. Religion and the Legacy of the Soviet State: a 25-year retrospective, Free University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

9 June 2017.Religious Freedom Challenges in Costa Rica: A Pending Human Rights Commitment,” Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Costa Rica (Gary Doxey)

15-17 June 2017. G20 Interfaith Summit, Potsdam, Germany 

18-21 June 2017. European Academy of Religion, Bologna, Italy.

6-7 July 2017. Religious Freedom Annual Review, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

31 July 2017. Relations between Religious Minorities, Majorities, and the State in Indonesia and the United States: Current Trends and Issues. Jakarta, Indonesia

5-6 August 2017. Interfaith Dialogue for Peace, Harmony and SecurityYangon, Myanmar

7-9 August 2017. 8th Annual Certificate Training Program on Religion and the Rule of Law, Beijing, China

22-24 August 2017. IRLA World Congress, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

6-9 September 2017. Latin American Consortium, Montevideo, Uruguay 

12-14 September 2017. Social Partnership of the State and Religious Associations in the Modern World, Vladivostok, Russia

1-4 October 2017. 24th Annual International Law and Religion Symposium, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

5-6 October 2017. DC Component of 24th Annual International Law and Religion Symposium, Washington, D.C.

13 October 2017. Law and Religion Symposium, University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, WA

2-3 November 2017. Dialogue on Ethics and Economics, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Gary Doxey participating)

7 November 2017. Interfaith Religious Freedom Conference, Detroit, Michigan (Elizabeth Clark participating)

7-8 November 2017. “25 Years After Constitutional Reform in Mexico,” First International Congress on Religious Liberty, Pontifical University of Mexico, Mexico City. 

15-17 November 2017. Regional Religious Freedom and Prosperity Symposium, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 

Center-Related Conferences and Events 2016

29 January 2016. International Law Weekend – West, “Law in a Divided World”, sponsored by the International Law Association. J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. 

1 February 2016. Third Biennial Colloquium in Law and Religion, St. John’s Law School, Queens, NY. Brett Scharffs presenting. 

11-13 February 2016Annual Conference, J. Reuben Clark Law Society, San Diego, CA. 

7-9 March 2016. “The Legitimate Scope of Religious Establishment”, sponsored by the Fondazione Marcianum. Venice, Italy. Brett Scharffs participating.

9-11 March 2016. Law & Religion Moot Court Competition, Venice, Italy. Brett Scharffs participating as a judge.

12 March 2016. Freedom of Religion Symposium, University of Denver Law School, Denver, CO. Cole Durham participating.

15-17 March 2016. “Sacred Places and Heritage Protection from the Perspectives of International, Constitutional, Religion Law, and Foreign Policy,” Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Israel. Cole Durham participating. 

26 March 2016. Religious Liberty Event. J. Reuben Clark Law Society, San Francisco Chapter, University of Santa Clara Law School, Santa Clara, CA.

31 March-1 April 2016. International Advisory Council Annual Spring Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 

12-14 April 2016. “A Path to Peace,” The World Congress on Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gary Doxey participating.

20-21 May 2016. “Religious Freedom and Security: Beyond the Balancing Metaphor”, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

22-25 May 2016. “Religious Pluralism, Heritage, and Social Development in Africa”, Conference of the African Consortium of Law and Religion. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 

30 May-3 June 2016. Master-Level Course on Sharia & Human Rights: Background and Core Issues in Contemporary Indonesia, Malang, Indonesia. Brett Scharffs participating.

31 May-4 June 2016. Summer School on Human Rights: “Stand for Women’s and Children’s Rights”. Thessaloniki, Greece. Cole Durham participating. 

10 June 2016. “Virtue, Liberty, & Law – Rendering Unto Caeser and Unto God”. J. Reuben Clark Law Society, UK & Ireland Chapters, Chorley, Lancashire, England.

16-19 June 2016. Conference “Freedom of Religion or Belief in Situations of Crisis: Why Can’t We Get Along?” Tallinn, Estonia. 

7-8 July 2016. Annual Religious Freedom Review, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. 

7-9 July 2016. Conference “Changes in Legal Protections for Conscientious Objection,” XVI Colloquium of the Latin American Consortium for Religious Freedom, Hernandarias, Paraguay. Gary Doxey attending.

16-18 August 2016. 18th IRLA Meeting of Experts, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cole Durham participating.

30 August – 1 September 2016G20 Interfaith Summit 2016 in China: “Dialogue Among Civilizations and Community of Common Destiny for All Mankind”.

7 September 2016. APPG FoRB Freedom of Religion or Belief Policy Dialogue, Houses of Parliament, London, United Kingdom. Cole Durham and Brett Scharffs participating. 

8-10 September 2016. Oxford Conference and Bi-Annual Conference of the International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies, “Freedom of/for/from/within Religion: Differing Dimensions of a Common Right?”, Oxford, UK. 

15-16 September 2016. International Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam. 

19-25 September 2016. Certificate Training Program, Northwest Highlands, Vietnam. 

22-28 September 2016. Certificate Training Program, Vietnam. 

2-4 October 2016. 23rd Annual International Law and Religion Symposium, “Religious Rights in a Pluralistic World”, Provo, UT. 

6 October 2016. 7th Annual Religious Liberty Award Dinner. J. Reuben Clark Law Society, Washington, D.C. 

7 October 2016. International Protection of Religion Freedom, Newseum, Knight Conference Center, Washington, D.C. 

19-20 October 2016. Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Combatting Violent Extremism, London, United Kingdom.

20-22 October 2016. Law and Religion Conference, Ivanovo, Russia. Elizabeth Clark participating.

26-28 October 2016. The Politicization of Freedom of Religion or Belief: For Better or Worse,” University of Oslo, Norway. 

27 October 2016. Third Annual Sacramento Court/Clergy Conference, SALAM Center, Sacramento, CA. 

6-7 November 2016. “Restoring Religious Freedom Converence: Law, Religion, Equality, and Dignity,” Emory School of Law, Atlanta, GA. Cole Durham participating.

9-11 November 2016. “Religious Freedom, the Essence of Human Equality,” South American Forum for Religious Freedom, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gary Doxey and Brett Scharffs participating. 

12 November 2016. JRCLS Religious Freedom Symposium, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. Elizabeth Clark participating.

17-18 November 2016. Conference at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France. 

Upcoming Conferences 2015

30 November to 9 December 2015. Religion and Rule of Law Training Program, convened by the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE), Sitagu International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), Myanmar Council of Churches, Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar, and the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at BYU, held in Yangon, Myanmar.

5-8 December 2015. Workshop on “Rights, Dilemmas and the Politicisation of Freedom of Religion or Belief,” Oslo Coalition, held in Oslo, Norway.

10-12 December 2015. “Under Caesar’s Sword,” an International Conference on Christian Responses to Persecution, held in Rome, Italy.

Center-Related Conferences and Events 2015

9-11 February 2015. Wilton Park Conference on “Developing a Multilateral Approach to Freedom of Religion or Belief:  A European Perspective” at Wilton House, West Sussex, UK.  Cole Durham participating.

23-28 February 2015. International Conference: “Towards Law and Religious Freedom in Africa”, an initiative of the Centre for Human Rights of the Faculty of Law, University of Lagos in collaboration with the Nigerian Bar Association (Lagos and Ikeja Branches); African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies, South Africa and International Centre for Law and Religion Studies, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Utah, United States of America.  Cole Durham participating.

22-23 March 2015. Conference Legal and Moral Challenges of Religious Resurgence, sponsored by The International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies and the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, in Jerusalem. Cole Durham and Brett Scharffs participating. 

28 March 2015. Freedom of Religion Weekend Workshop, co-sponsored by Wayne State University Law School, The International Religious Liberty Institute, and The Detroit Chapter of the J. Reuben Clark Law Society, in Detroit, Michigan.

2-3 April 2015. Annual Spring Meeting of the International Advisory Council, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

6 April 2015. LDS International Society Conference, held at Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah

16 April 2015. Religious Freedom and Foreign Policy, sponsored by The British Council, the Religion Newswriters Foundation, the Center on Religion and the Professions at Missouri School of Journalism, Lancaster University (UK), and the Religious Freedom Center of the Newseum Institute, Knight Conference Center, Washington, DC.  Cole Durham participating.

11-12 May 2015.  Conference “Religion and the Rule of Law Comparative Studies: Vietnam and the United States”, co-sponsored by the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE), Brigham Young University (BYU), and Vietnam National University’s University of Social Sciences (USSH), Washington, D.C.

14-16 May 2015. Conference “Challenges and Opportunities: Religious Freedom Development in the Sphere of Law” [English]  [Armenian/հայերեն&]  [Russian/ русский язык(Yerevan, Armenia) Elizabeth Clark participating.

18-19 May 2015. Conference of the African Consortium of Law and Religion: “Religious Freedom and Religious Pluralism in Africa: Prospects and Limitations” (Windhoek, Namibia) Cole Durham and Bob Smith participating.

20-22 May 2015. Conference Religion and development: making better policy to make a bigger difference in Africa, Wilton Park sponsored conference (Cape Town, South Africa) Cole Durham and Bob Smith attending. [Programme]

21 May 2015. The Importance of Application of the Freedom of Conscience in a Democratic Society, Trnava Faculty, Department for legal issues of religious freedom (Trnava University, Slovakia)  Elizabeth Clark participating.

21-23 May 2015.  5th Annual Colloquium of the Latin American Consortium for Religious Liberty, “Advances and Setbacks in the Legal Protection of Religious Liberty” (Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City)  Gary Doxey participating.

25-26 May 2015. ReligioWest / European Research Council, Preparatory Conference Towards the Final Report [Draft Programme] (San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy), Cole Durham participating.

30-31 May 2015. Symposium on Marxist Theories of Religion, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, Brett Scharffs presenting “The Relationship of Religion and the State: The Surprising Similarities and Important Differences in the Political Philosophy of Marx and Locke.” 

5-6 June 2015. Central European University Annual Law and Religion Conference: Religion and Equality: Contemporary Challenges in Accomodating Diversity” in Budapest, Hungary. Cole Durham and Brett Scharffs participating.

8-12 June 2015.  Brett Scharffs at two conferences in Indonesia: at Gadja Mada University in Yogyakarta and at Muhammadiyah University in Malang.

21-24 June 2015. Oxford Conference: “Magna Carta and Freedom of Religion or Belief” at St. Hugh’s College, Oxford. Cole Durham, Brett Scharffs, David Kirkham, Donlu Thayer participating.

25-26 June 2015. Conference on OSCE Guiding Principles on Legal Personality of Religious Communities, held in Louvain, Belgium.

6-8 July 2015.  Religious Freedom Annual Review, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.

20-24 July 2015. Sixth Summer Program on Religion and the Rule of Law, held in Beijing, People’s Republic of China.

25 July 2015. “The Boundaries of Religious Activities,” held in Beijing, People’s Republic of China.

10-14 August  2015.  The 17th annual “Meeting of Experts,” organized by the International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA), Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. Cole Durham participating.

15 August 2015.  Beijing Union University Conference, Beijing, PRC. Brett Scharffs participating, “Vietnam’s Proposed ’Law on Religions and Beliefs’: Differentiating Core, Important, and Desirable Factors Regarding Religion and the Rule of Law — State and Religious Interests”

8-9 September 2015. “Advancing Freedom of Religion or Belief for All” Conference, held at Theological School of Halki, Turkey 

14-25 September 2015. Certificate Training Program on Religion and the Rule of Law, held in Hanoi, Vietnam.

4-7 October 2015. 22nd Annual International Law and Religion Symposium: “Religion, Law, and Social Stability” at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.

8-9 October 2015. “International Religious Freedom:  Toward a Model of Transatlantic Cooperation,” a Policy Dialogue, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

15-19 October 2015.  Parliament of the World’s Religions, in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

22-23 October 2015. Comparative and International Perspectives against the Background of the Annual Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, various locations, New York City.

5-6 November 2015. Notre Dame Law Review Annual Symposium: “Religious Liberty and the Free Society: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Dignitatis Humanae” at University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. 

7 November 2015. Religious Freedom in a Changing World, University of Utah Law School, Salt Lake City, UT. 

9 November 2015. “Rights Cherished or Freedoms Perished? Perspectives on the future of freedom of conscience, religion and belief and freedom of expression” at Inns of Court, London, England. 

10 November 2015. Protecting Religious Freedom: An Interfaith Invitation, in Orlando, FL.

16-18 November 2015.  G20 Interfaith Summit, Istanbul: “Religion, Harmony and Sustainable Development”, Griffith University, Brigham Young University, and others.

19 November 2015. Launch Event, The OSCE/ODIHR – Venice Commission Guidelines on the Legal Personality of Religious or Belief Communities, held at Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey.

20-21 November 2015. International Symposium, “Do Freedoms Unite or Divide:  Negotiating the Borders of Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion in a Multicultural World,” sponsored by the Alliance of Civilizations Institute, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University, held in Istanbul, Turkey. 

30 November to 9 December 2015. Religion and Rule of Law Training Program, convened by the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE), Sitagu International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), Myanmar Council of Churches, Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar, and the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at BYU, held in Yangon, Myanmar.

5-8 December 2015. Workshop on “Rights, Dilemmas and the Politicisation of Freedom of Religion or Belief,” Oslo Coalition, held in Oslo, Norway.

10-12 December 2015. “Under Caesar’s Sword,” an International Conference on Christian Responses to Persecution, held in Rome, Italy.

Center-Related Conferences and Events 2014

6-9 January 2014. The International Religious Liberty Association’s 15th Meeting of Experts, “Religions, Secular Society, and Religious Liberty in the Mediterranean Area:  How to Interact in our Diverse Societies,” Athens, Greece.  Cole Durham lecturing on “Varying State Approaches to Religious Normative Systems in the United States.”

15-16 January 2014. International conference focusing on Religion, Democracy and Law, the Faculty of Law, Governance and International Relations, London Metropolitan University. David Kirkham delivering a keynote address. The conference is financially supported by Brigham Young University; International Political Science Association; European Consortium for Political Research; and the Centre for the Study of Religion, Conflict and Cooperation at the London Metropolitan University.

19-20 February 2014. Regional Consultation on Promoting the Freedom of Religion or Belief in ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia. Cole Durham…

Center-Related Conferences and Events 2013

4-7 January 2013. The Association of American Law Schools (AALS) 2013 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. [Schedule-at-a-glance, PDF]

14-15 January 2013. Conference on Law and Religion in Africa: Comparative Practices, Experiences, and Prospects, sponsored by the Unit for the Study of Law and Religion, Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa; the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, South Africa; the Law Faculty, University of Ghana, Legon; the Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University, United States; and the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, J. Reuben Clark Law School,  Brigham Young University, United States; held at the University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana [Program, PDF]

20 March 2013. Discussion Series Lecture, Cole Durham, “Against Free Exercise Reductionism”, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University.

23 April 2013. Cole Durham opening lecture, “Freedom of Religion or Belief — Emerging Tensions,” at the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion Lecture Series (Trinity Term): ‘Changing Nature of Religious Rights under International Law – 30 Years after the 1981 Declaration’. Public lectures, Tuesdays 5.00 pm, Regent’s Park College.  

25-27 April 2013. Challenges for Democracy: Religion, Law and Dialogue in the CIS and Baltics, held at the  Baltic International Academyin Riga, Latvia, Cole Durham and Elizabeth Clark participating. Sponsored by the Baltic International Academy; the Academy of Labor and Social Relations (Moscow), the Coordinating Council of CIS and the Baltics on Theoretical and Practical Religious Studies, the Center of Religious Studies Research “ReligioPolis” (Moscow), and the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at Brigham Young University (USA).

29 April 2013. “Unprecedented Repression of Religious Minorities and NGOs in Russia,” a side-event organized by Human Rights Without Frontiers Int’l (HRWF Int’l), the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) and the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies (KCIS), held at the UN in Geneva, Cole Durham moderating.

8 May 2013. Discussion Series Lecture, Elizabeth Clark, “Converging Challenges to Religious Freedom,” J. Reuben Clark Law School, Provo, Utah.

10-11 May 2013. International Conference, Models of Relationship of State and Church: Contemporary Tendencies,” Yerevan, Armenia, David Kirkham, keynote speaker. 

14 May 2013.  Law and Religion Scholars Network (LARSN) Annual Conference 2013Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University Law School. David Kirkham, presenting.

16 May 2013. The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, 18th Anniversary Canterbury Medal Dinner, honoring Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Pierre Hotel, New York City.

23-24 May 2013. International Symposium on Iraq, ‘Human Rights and Justice in Iraq’, Istanbul, Turkey. The symposium is sponsored by the International Jurists Union, Istanbul University, Istanbul Sehir University, Istanbul Yeni Yüzyil University, Association of Researchers on The Middle East and Africa (ORDAF), and Lawyers’ Association, Brett Scharffs presenting.

25 May 2013. World Festival of Religious Freedom, Anhangabaú Valley, São Paulo, Brazil, sponsored by the International Religious Liberty Association, Cole Durham attending.

28 May 2013. Conference “The Religious Factor in the Social-Political Life of Contemporary Russia: Religion and Law in State Policies“, organized by the Center for the Study of the Problems of Religion and Society, Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Guild of Experts on Religion and Law, held at the Scientific Council of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Cole Durham participating.

30 May 2013. National Religious Freedom Conferencehosted by the American Religious Freedom Program of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Gary Doxey participating.

7 June 2013. Panel discussion on Freedom of Religion and Church-State Relations in Hungary: The State of Play after the Fourth Amendment of the Fundamental Law, chairs Renáta Uitz and W. Cole Durham, Jr.; organized by the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, United States, and Central European University, Legal Studies Department; venue, Popper Room, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

7-8 June 2013. Freedom of Religion and Non-Discrimination: The Collision of Identities, conference held at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, co-sponsored by the Department of Legal Studies (CEU), the International Center for Law and Religion Studies (Brigham Young University).

14 June 2013. Cole Durham awarded honorary doctorate from Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania.

17 June 2013. Seminar in Celebration of Mary Ann Glendon, Florence, Italy. Cole Durham attending.

17-22 June 2013. Oxford Journal of Law and Religion Summer Academy 2013, Regent’s Park College Oxford.

18-20 June 2013. Oxford Conference, International Protection of Religious Freedom, Emerging Issues, Harris Manchester College and other locations in Oxford.

27-28 June 2013. Annual Law and Religion Roundtable, held at Stanford Law School.

12 July 2013. Discussion Series Lecture, “David Kirkham, “Freedom of Conscience and the American Identity,” J. Reuben Clark Law School, Provo, Utah.

15-16 July 2013. Fourth Summer Certificate Training Program in China, Beijing.

19-21 August 2013. ICLRS hosts the XIII Coloquio del Consorcio Latinoamericano de Libertad Religiosa, “Libertad Religiosa, Igualdad y Autonomía de las Entidades Religiosas”, Richmond Virginia, USA.

21-23 August 2013. Third Conference of the International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies, “Religion, Democracy, and Equality, Richmond, Charlottesville, and Williamsburg, Virginia.

4 September 2013. Discussion Series Lecture, Brett Scharffs, “Can Public Reason Accommodate Conscience?”  J. Reuben Clark Law School, Provo, Utah.

16-25 September 2013. Second Certificate Training Program on Religion and the Rule of Law, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

6-8 October 2013. Twentieth Annual International Law and Religion Symposium, Religion and Human Rights, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.

9-10 October 2013. “Freedom to Flourish: Is Religious Freedom Necessary for Peace, Prosperity, and Democracy?” Center co-sponsored event at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Robert Smith and Cole Durham participating.

10-11 October 2013. International Congress of Constanta (Romania), on the anniversary of 1700 years from the proclamation of the Edict of Milan (313):  “The Edict of Milan and Religious Liberty:  The Impact of this Liberty over the Centuries,” held in Constanta, Romania. Sponsored by Academy of Romanian Scientists (The Centre for Religious and Juridical-Canonical Study and Research of the Three Monotheistic Religions:  Mosaic, Christian, and Islamic), Ovidius University of Constanta (Romania). Organized in collaboration with: The International Center for Law and Religion Studies at Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School, United States; The University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland; Ivane Javakhishvili Tblisi State University, Georgia; The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Poland;The Archdiocese of Tomis (Constanta/Romania) (The Institute for Religious, Cultural and Juridical-Canonical Studies); The Romanian-Arab Culture and Press Club. Center representative James Faulconer.

10-12 October 2013. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Comparative Law, Little Rock, Arkansas.

30-31 October 2013. International Symposium on Freedom and Security, Istanbul, Turkey.  Brett Scharffs participating.

1 November 2013.  China Certificate Training Program Alumni Meeting in Beijing. Brett Scharffs attending.

2-4 November 2013. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of World Religions China Social Sciences Forum – World Religions and the Dialogue of Civilizations, Brett Scharffs presenting “Can Public Reason Accommodate Conscience?”

7-9 November 2013. Conference on “Islam in the Law: Sharia, Secularism, and Society in the Euro-Mediterranean Region,” Ifrane, Morocco, Cole Durham participating.

3-5 December 2013. Second International Religious Freedom Conference, “Tearing Down Walls:  Achieving Religious Equality in Turkey“, sponsored by the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, held in Berlin, Germany. Cole Durham speaking in a panel on “Tearing Down Walls:  Legal and Humanitarian Perspectives on Equality, State Neutrality, and Pluralism.”

Center-Related Conferences and 2012

4 January 2012.  Fourth Annual J. Reuben Clark Law Society Faculty Section Conference, Washington College of Law, American University, 3:00 p.m., Robert Smith participating on plenary panel with paper titled “Current Frontiers in Religious Freedom Litigation.”

6 January 2012.  Committee on Religious Liberty meeting. Washington, D.C. Cole Durham participating.

16-18 February 2012. Annual Conference of the J. Reuben Clark Society, Stanford University, Cole Durham and Gayla Sorenson participating.

24-25 February 2012. Workshop on Oxford Handbook on Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding, University of Notre Dame, Cole Durham panelist, “Conceptual Foundations and Historical Contestations.”

1 March 2012.  Second Religious Freedom Discussion Series, Lecture #1, W. Cole Durham, Jr., 12:00 noon MST, webinar from Room 472 JRCB, Brigham Young University.

19 April 2012. Launch of the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion Colloquium, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, U.K. Cole Durham presenting, Brett Scharffs, David Kirkham, and Donlu Thayer attending.

20 April 2012. Oxford Journal of Law and Religion Seminar, Bailliol College, Brett Scharffs and Cole Durham prsenting, David Kirkham and Donlu Thayer attending.  [Video interview of Peter Petkoff, by David Kirkham.]

19-20 April 2012. 5th Fundamental Rights Platform meeting, held in Vienna, Austria.

21 April 2012.  JRC Law Society London Chapter Event. “A Secular State Preserves Religious Freedom,” Brett Scharffs and Ronan McCrea, Latham & Watkins, Bishopsgate, London.

24-26 April 2012. 7th World Congress on “The Secular Challenge to Religious Freedom,” sponsored by the International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA), held in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Cole Durham and Gary Doxey participating.

30 April & 1 May 2012. Managing Religious & Cultural Diversity in the Pacific. Law & Religion Conference; Apia, Samoa; sponsored by National University of Samoa, Victoria University (New Zealand), International Center for Law and Religion Studies (Utah, USA), UNESCO, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., National University of Samoa, Cole Durham participating.

2-4 May 2012.  Conference of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools“The Place of Religion in the Law School, the University and the Practice of Law,” Touro Law Center, Central Islip, New York, Elizabeth Clark participating.

14-15 May 2012. “Religion and Contemporary Society,” co-organized by Chinese Academy of Social Science, China, and Brigham Young University, United States, held at Milton A. Barlow Center, 2520 L Street N.W., Washington, D.C.,  Cole Durham and Brett Scharffs participating.

24 May 2012. “Rising Threats to American Religious Freedom,” sponsored by the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s American Religious Freedom Program, Washington, D.C., Cole Durham and Gary Doxey participating.

1-2 June 2012. Registration, Religious Autonomy and the Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief, hosted by the Department of Legal Studies, Central European University, organized by the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, Brigham Young University, USA, Cole Durham participating. [Conference Program]

7 June 2012. Seminar on the Autonomy of the Church in the Recent Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and of the USA Supreme Court, Council of Europe, Organized by the European Centre for Law and Justice in cooperation with Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Européennes: Religion et Société (Bruxelles – CERERS), the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) and the Strasbourg Consortium on Freedom of Conscience and Religion. Cole Durham participating.

8-9 June 2012. 20th Annual Individual and the State Conference on “Tragedy of Liberty: From Liberation to Self-Destruction and Irrelevance,” June 8-9, 2012, Central European University, Cole Durham participating.

18-19 June 2012. Conference, “Year of Russian History: State—Individual—Faith,” sponsored by the Expert Council of the Federal Human Rights Ombudsman, the Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Nor-West Region, St. Petersburg Christian University, the Russian Association of Researchers of Religion, and the State Museum of the History of Religion, with organizational help from the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, St. Petersburg, Russia. [Передачи на русском языке] Cole Durham and Elizabeth Clark attending from the Center.

21-22 June 2012. Roundtable on Law and Religion in Australia, held at Australian National University College of Law, Sydney, with Public Lecture by Professor Brett G. Scharffs, Accommodating Conscience: The Problems Arising from General and Neutral Laws, Sparke Helmore Theatre 1, ANU College of Law, Building 5, Fellows Road, 21 June, 5.30-6 pm. [Event Flyer]

22 June 2012. State-Sponsored Religious Displays in the U.S. and Europe, sponsored by the Center for Law and Religion at St. John’s School of Law and the Department of Law at the Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta (LUMSA). Held at LUMSA, Complesso del Giubileo via di Porta Castello, 44 – Rome. Cole Durham participating on panel to discuss “Lautsi, the Margin of Appreciation, and the Choice of Secularisms.” [Program]

8-20 July 2012  China Certificate Training Program, held under the auspices of Peking University Law School, Beijing, China, cosponsored by the International Center for Law and Religion Studies and the Center for Administrative and Constitutional Law at Peking University Law School.  Brett Scharffs and Cole Durham participating.

20-22 August 2012.  International Religious Liberty Association 14th Meeting of Experts, an International Think Tank on Religious Freedom: Models of Secularity and Religious Freedom: Canada, the United States of America, and Europe, Cole Durham participating with “Comparative Approaches to Offensive Religious Expression,” Multi-Faith Centre, University of Toronto, Canada. 

5 September 2012.  Religious Freedom Discussion Series Lecture by  Professor Brett G. Scharffs — “Accommodating Conscience: The HHS Contraception Mandate and the Problems Arising from General and Neutral Laws,” Brigham Young University.

7-9 October 2012. “Religion,  Democracy, and Civil Society,” 19th Annual International Law and Religion Symposium of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, to be held at the J. Reuben Clark Law School on the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

11 October 2012. “Which Model, Whose Liberty?: Differences between the U.S. and European Approaches to Religious Freedom,” sponsored by the Religious Freedom Project, The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University, and the International Center for Law and Religion Studies, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, held in Washington, D.C.  Cole Durham, Robert Smith, and Elizabeth Clark participating.

3 November 2012. Ninth Beijing Forum: 【2012 Panel II】Faith and Society: Spiritual Reflections of Global Age Peking University. Brett Scharffs participating.

26 November – 5 December 2012. Inaugural Certificate Training Program on “Religion and the Rule of Law in Vietnam and Southeast Asia,” at the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Brett Scharffs and Cole Durham participating.

1 December 2012. INFORM Autumn Seminar: Changing Beliefs and Schisms in New Religious Movements, 9.30am – 5.15 pm, Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, London School of Economics.  Cole Durham participating.

4 December 2012. RELIGARE Final Conference: “Religious Diversity and Secular Models in Europe:  Innovative Approaches to Law and Policy”, Leuven, Belgium.  [full program]  Cole Durham participating.

5 December 2012. Religious Freedom Discussion Series, Robert Smith, “A Contest of Greatest Importance: The Battle over the Meaning of Religious Freedom,” 12:00 noon, 472 JRCB, Brigham Young University.

5 December 2012. International Conference “Religious Instruction in the World Today”, Institute of St. Stanislava, Hall Matija Tomc, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Cole Durham and Elena Miroshnikova participating.

7-8 December 2012. Interdisciplinary and international conference “Group Autonomy and Its Critics: Human Rights Perspectives”, University of Oslo. [program] Cole Durham participating.

11-12 December 2012.  The Institute of World Religions (IWR) in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), international conference, The China Social Science Forum on “Religious Charities and Social Development,” Beijing. Cole Durham and Brett Scharffs participating.

Calendar of Events

To view the most current draft of the ICLRS calendar of upcoming events, please click the link below.

2009-2010 Calendar of Events

2009 Conferences & Events

January 22-24         ICLARS Congress, Milan, Italy

February 2-3           Conference on Religion in Contemporary Society, Moscow, Russia

February 4-6           OSCE AC Meeting – Vienna

February 13-15        Nepal Conference on New Constitution

March 12-14            Civil Religion Conference at BYU

March 18                 Villanova Comparative Law Workshop

April 9-20                Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

April 20-22              International Symposium on Religious Freedom, Constitutionalism and Human Flourishing,
                             sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey

April 28- May 2        IRLA Meeting, Santo Domingo

May 13-17               Conference on Christianity in the East: Religion and Harmony,
                              Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

May 23 IRLA            Festival of Religious Freedom – Philippines

May 29-30              “Religious Autonomy” Conference, Budapest, Hungary

June 5-6                 Southern Virginia University

June 7-9                 Conference on “Family Law in a Multicultural Environment: Civil and Religious Law
                              in Family Matters,” Sponsored by the International Society for Family Law, Israel

June 12-14               András Sajó, Budapest Conference

June 10-14               CESNUR Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah

July 18                     Festival of Religious Freedom, Jerusalem

August 3-6               Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia

August 10-14            Human Rights Advocates Training, Indonesia

August 14-15            Australia Conference, Canberra Latin American Conference, Uruguay

September 1-3          IRLA Meeting of Experts – Silver Spring, Maryland

September 8-10         IRLA Congress on “The Role of the Government in Promoting Religious Liberty,”
                                sponsored by the International Religious Liberty Association, Ulan Bator, Mongolia

September 26-29       IRLA Congress on Religious Freedom – Colombia

October 3                 IRLA Festival of Religious Freedom – Venezuela

October 4-6               16th International Law and Religion Symposium, sponsored by the International Center
                                for Law and Religion Studies at BYU, Provo, Utah

October 14-15           Conference on “Financing Churches and Religious Societies in the 21st Century,”
                                sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic Institute for State-
                                Church Relations, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

October 21-24           Volgograd Conference

October 24                IRLA Meeting of Experts – Djakarta

October 29-31           Conference “World Religions and their Influence on Legal Systems,” a meeting of
                                the International Congress of the Chamber of Lawyers, an initiative of the
                                Chamber of Lawyers of Frankfurt am Main, hosted by,
                                in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

November 12-13       “Religious Legal Theory: The State of the Field,” conference sponsored by Seton Hall
                                University School of Law, Newark, New Jersey

November 13-14        Conference on “Religion, Ethics, and Peace: Honoring the Career of Professor
                                David Little,” co-sponsored by the Harvard Divinity School and Kroc Institute
                               for International Peace at Notre Dame, Cambridge, Massachusetts

November 20-22        Conference on “Religion and the Law in Southeast Asia,” co-sponsored by the
                                International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia and
                                the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at BYU, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

November 21             IRLA First World Festival of Religious Freedom – Lima, Peru

2010 Conferences & Events

February 11-12          JRCLS Annual Conference, Religious Freedom in the Middle East,
                                University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

February 26               Symposium on “The Future of Rights of Conscience in Health Care: Legal and
                                Ethical Perspectives,” co-sponsored by the J. Reuben Clark Law School at
                                Brigham Young University, by the Ave Maria School of Law, and by University
                                Faculty for Life, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

March 30                   Conference on “Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Problems in Law,”
                                sponsored by Catholic University, Washington, D.C.

April 22-25                 68th MPSA Political Science Conference, Chicago, Illinois

June 4-5                    The 18th Individual vs. the State Conference on “Religion in the Public Square,”
                                Central European University, Budapest, Hungary 

June 17-20                 Conference on “Esotericism and Politics,” sponsored by The Association for the
                                 Study of Esotericism, the Societas Magica, and JSR: Journal for the Study of
                                 Radicalism, Michigan State University, East Lansing 

July 25-31                  International Association of Comparative Law Conference On Religion and
                                 the Secular State/La réligion et l’État Laïque, Washington, D.C.